
Election Day Special Bulletin

It’s your vote that makes all the difference.

Our A-team is counting on your vote

Our Democratic state House and Senate candidates, Rachel Khanna, Steve Meskers, Hector Arzeno and Nick Simmons will continue to bring money home for Greenwich Public Schools, for our nonprofits and for pedestrian safety projects. They will continue to protect local control over zoning decisions. They will continue on the fiscally responsible path that has lowered income taxes and improved our state’s credit rating. The state races can be won or lost by a handful of votes, so our candidates are counting on yours.

Vote for our future—it’s now or never

It’s Election Day. Polls are open today 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Look up your polling location here. Please go vote! And make sure your friends and neighbors do the same.

Eligible but not yet registered to vote? You can register to vote today at Greenwich Town Hall (101 Field Point Road) and then vote right there. When we vote, we win!

Brighter future – Kamala Harris

Vote YES on the ballot question—it’s a vote for democracy

Wait! You’re not done after voting for all of the Row A candidates. There’s an important question tucked in the upper right corner of your ballot about making absentee voting more accessible. We encourage you to vote YES. This would allow absentee voting for all—no excuse necessary.

Election Day Bulletin • November 5, 2024
Paid for by the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee.
Greenwich Democratic Town Committee P.O. Box 126 Greenwich, CT 06836