Everything You Need To Be Counted on Election Day November 5, 2024! Polls open 6 am to 8 pm on Election Day.
You Can Register to Vote on Election Day!
Check your voter registration status
SAME VOTER REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE ON ELECTION DAY TUESDAY NOV 5 at Greenwich Town Hall (101 Field Point Road, lower level) – 6 am to 8 pm. You will be able to vote at Town Hall after registered. Check your eligibility and registration requirements here.
Check Your Polling Location
Look up where you go to vote here.
Polls are open 6 am to 8 pm on Nov 5th. If you are in line by 8 pm you will be permitted to vote.
Absentee Ballots
Track Your Absentee Ballot – see if your absentee ballot has been received
Call the Town Clerk with questions 203 622-7897 about your absentee ballot
Absentee ballots must be received by the Greenwich Town Clerk, 101 Field Point Road by 8 pm on Election Day November 5th.
It is now too late to return your absentee ballot by mail. Drop your ballot in a secure drop box ASAP. Drop boxes can be found outside Greenwich Town Hall – near the visitor parking lot and in the lobby of Town Hall – 101 Field Point Road. There is also a drop box in the Public Safety Complex lobby at 11 Bruce Place.
Verify Your Voter Registration
Check your current registration status by searching the State of Connecticut’s online voter registration database.
Ride to the Polls
Need a ride to your polling place on Election Day? Call 203 698-2035.
Still have questions? Visit the Greenwich Registrars of Voters or call 203 622-7890.