Ready to get involved and make a difference in our TOWN? There are always a variety of opportunities available – even if you can only spare an hour – so you’re sure to find an opening!
Vote in Every Election
There’s no more direct or powerful way to get involved than exercising your right to vote. We’ve got links to important resources for casting your ballot on Election Day.
Tile Link
From phone banking to fundraising, door knocking to driving voters, we’ll find an opportunity to suit your preference. Learn how to advocate for issues that are important to you.
Serve on a Board
Serving on a Town board or commission has a direct impact on the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors. Get started by reading our “How to Apply for Boards and Commissions” guide.
Run for Office
Share your knowledge, experience and passion through elected office. Read our “How to Run for Elective Office” guide and contact us for more information.