Greenwich Town Government
Connecticut State Government
Federal Government
Selectperson Janet Stone McGuigan
Since moving to Greenwich with her family in 2006, Janet has immersed herself in the community. Prior to her election as Selectperson in 2021, she served on the Representative Town Meeting (and continues as an ex officio member), the boards of the League of Women Voters and PTA Council, as a committee chair and sustainer advisor for the Junior League, co-president of the Greenwich High School Band Boosters and committee chair for BSA Troop 9.
In her role as Selectperson she serves as the co-chair of the Greenwich Sustainability Committee, and liaison to the Energy Management Advisory Committee, the Harbor Management Commission and the Old Greenwich and Julian Curtiss School Building Committees. She also serves on the boards of Barbara’s House (formerly Community Centers Inc.), Friends of Binney Park and Greenwich Green and Clean.
Her professional experience includes working on environmental policy research for Resources for the Future, and on the mediation of federal regulatory negotiations for Resolve: Center for Dispute Resolution in Washington, DC, and writing policy papers for the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium.
She has degrees in civil engineering and economics from Cornell University and a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Janet resides in Old Greenwich with three proud Greenwich High School alumni, her husband, Peter, and their sons, Peter and James.
To contact Janet directly please email her at:
Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET)
Leslie Moriarty

Leslie Moriarty (Caucus Leader) has been a BET member since 2016, and is currently serving on the Budget Committee. She was a Board of Education member for eight years, with two years as Chair, as well as a member of the RTM. Her community experience also includes serving as President of the PTA Council and Co-President of North Street School PTA.
Professionally, she was Group Vice President for W.R. Grace and VP of Business Development for Baker and Taylor. She holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Contact Leslie Moriarity:
Scott Kalb

Scott Kalb brings a career’s worth of experience in finance to his BET candidacy. He served as the Deputy CEO of Korea’s $200 billion sovereign wealth fund, as a Managing Director at Citigroup, and also worked at Balyasny Asset Management and Black Arrow Capital Management. He is a consultant to the World Bank on developing capital markets in Rwanda and reforming the pension system of Georgia. In CT, Kalb made news by co-founding Bright Feeds, the first sustainable management waste company in CT that converts food waste into animal feed.
Somehow, Scott Kalb has also found time to be an active community volunteer. He has served two terms on the RTM, including as Secretary of the Legislative and Rules committee. He also served as Secretary of the First Selectman’s Waste Management committee. In addition he served five years as chairman of Temple Sholom’s Endowment Investment Committee. Scott began serving on the BET in January 2024.
Contact Scott Kalb:
Matt DesChamps

Matt DesChamps has 30 years of finance and investment experience at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Morgan Stanley, and has launched two highly successful asset management firms. He is currently COO and Founding Partner of Kepos Capital LP. Matt is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and holds an MBA in Finance and Accounting from NYU Stern School of Business. He is a Trustee at Franklin and Marshall College and serves on numerous not-for-profit boards.
Equally devoted to community service, DesChamps serves on the Budget Overview Committee of the RTM, is the RTM delegate to the Greenwich Energy Management Advisory Committee, and has coached Old Greenwich youth basketball. Matt began serving on the BET in January 2024.
Contact Matt DesChamps:
David Weisbrod

David Weisbrod has served on the BET since 2018 and is on the Budget Committee and has been a member of the Audit and Investment Advisory Committees. He was a member of the Greenwich Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals, serving as its Chair.
Professionally, he was an executive at JP Morgan for 39 years including Risk Management Vice Chair and Exchange and Clearinghouse Steering Committee Chair. He holds a BA from Cornell University and an MBA from New York University.
Contact David Weisbrod:
Stephen Selbst

Stephen Selbst has been serving on the BET since 2022 and has been an Old Greenwich resident since 1993. He is the Co-Chair of the Restructuring and Finance Litigation practice at Herrick, Feinstein LLP in New York. He was Co President of Old Greenwich Riverside Community Center and Co-President of Board for Student Publications at the University of Michigan.
He holds a BA and JD from the University of Michigan.
Contact Stephen Selbst:
Elliot Alchek

Elliot Alchek has extensive financial management experience. Most recently he was Senior Vice President and Director of Capital Raising for Brickman Real Estate Associates. Previously he served as a Partner of Credit Capital Investments (CCI) and a member of its Investment Committee. From 2002 to 2009 Mr. Alchek was a Partner and Managing Director of DKR Capital and President of DKR Capital Securities Corp. Prior to that, he was an executive with Goldman Sachs in New York and Chicago whose responsibilities included leading national sales of Municipal Bonds as well as heading Structured Finance.
Alchek served on the Board of the UJA in Greenwich for ten years and is a co-founder of the For the Love of Life charity to benefit Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Mr. Alchek received his B.S. in Economics from The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania and M.B.A. with Honors, from the University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business. Elliot began serving on the BET in January 2024.
Contact Elliot Alchek:
Board of Education (BOE)
Kathleen Stowe

Kathleen Stowe was elected to the BOE in 2017. She has served as the Board chair, as the Democratic Caucus Chair, with Committee and Liaison Responsibilities that include Negotiations and the Greenwich Alliance for Education.
Kathleen has an extensive background in finance and managing companies. She has three young children and has held various volunteer roles in their schools. She currently serves on the Board of the Northeast Greenwich Association, and volunteers as a Parks and Recreation coach.
Contact Kathleen Stowe:
Karen Hirsh

Karen Hirsh was elected to the Board of Education in 2019. She is a member of the executive committee and holds the position of Board Vice Chair. She also serves as a member of the Policy Governance, District Curriculum, Strategic Plan, GHS Student Government and Special Education Advisory committees.
Karen has been involved in supporting and advocating for the students in Greenwich Public Schools for the past 15 years. Prior to her role as an elected member of the BOE, she served as president of the PTA Council, PTA president at Glenville school, and has held many other volunteer positions within the schools. She has also served on the board of the Greenwich YWCA. Hirsh is a parent of two children who attended Greenwich Public Schools.
Karen holds a BA in psychology, with a focus on early childhood development from Cornell University.
Contact Karen Hirsh:
Laura Kostin

Laura Kostin was elected to the BOE in 2021. Her Committee and Liaison Responsibilities include Budget, PTAC, DTAC, Central Middle School Building. She is a current RTM Member serving second term from District 8, and is Former Secretary, North Street School PTA and a volunteer with Moms Demand Action.
Laura has 20 years of professional experience in television news at CNBC, CNN Financial News, MSNBC. BA in Political Science, Drew University.
Contact Laura Kosten:
Sophie Koven

Sophie Koven lives in Riverside and has four children who have all attended Greenwich Public Schools. She is a lawyer and professional mediator with her own practice. Sophie has served on the PTA of Riverside School, coached youth soccer, and is a treasurer of her neighborhood association. She is a founding member of Quiet Yards Greenwich, has served on the board of the Billion Oyster Project for twelve years and serves on the Chairman’s Council of the NY Restoration Project. She is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Law School. Sophie was elected to the BOE in 2023.
Contact Sophie Koven: