It’s better to have a seat at the table

Newsletter Volume 3 • Number 12

Weekly Newsletter Delivery

When Steve Meskers, Hector Arzeno, and Rachel Khanna flipped historically red seats to win three out of our four Statehouse positions, they made history in another way: taxpayer money started to flow back to Greenwich and Stamford. That reverse flow is what helps our town keep its mill rates—your property taxes—the lowest in the state. 

Without state funding, improvements like the Glenville traffic corridor redesign, the Central Middle School reconstruction, the Greenwich-Stamford bicycle path, and many others would probably not proceed at all.

Steve, Hector and Rachel secured funding for these and other worthy endeavors:

  • Central Middle School: In a surprise win, the delegation negotiated $20 million for this long-stalled project, an amount roughly $15 million more than anticipated;
  • Glenville Corridor Traffic Improvement Project: This traffic mitigation and safety enhancing project had been stalled for eight years until our Democratic delegation brought new life to it with a $6.5 million state grant;
  • Over $10 million for local nonprofits in Greenwich and Stamford that serve our children, our elders, and our community.

One of the largest recipients was the Greenwich Boys & Girls Club. “[We were] able to jump-start our construction process thanks to Governor Lamont and Greenwich’s Connecticut delegation,” said Laura Dianis, Director of External Relations. “[They] were instrumental in helping secure $6.5 million in state bond funding to support the Club’s renovation and expansion project.” 

In a state where Democrats have historically been in the majority, Democratic representatives have a seat at the table when negotiating for our district. Members of the minority party have less pull with statehouse leadership or the governor. With little leverage, they are limited to floor speeches and press conferences—lots of noise but little impact.

That leverage is especially important when tackling issues like local zoning control. When a transit-oriented housing bill came up, with the potential to force municipalities to build dense multi-story buildings, our Democratic delegation succeeded in winning concessions that made the bill’s provisions entirely optional. 

They worked closely with the chair of our town planning and zoning commission and the executive director of the Western CT Council of Governments until the bill was altered to their satisfaction. 

After years of short-sighted and tight-fisted Republican control, we have so many long-neglected needs in our town, from storm management, to upgrading sidewalks so people with disabilities can use them. Let’s be sure to elect the delegation with a proven record of bringing taxpayer dollars back to Greenwich and Stamford: Hector, Rachel, Steve, and Nick.

Correction: An earlier version of this story failed to clarify that the $100 million reflects combined state funding returned to the delegation’s legislative districts, which includes Greenwich and part of Stamford.

As you go to the polls in November, remember the news from the last two Connecticut state budgets:



Our Democratic legislative delegation, including Rep. Rachel Khanna, Rep. Hector Arzeno, and Rep. Steve Meskers, represents the moderate, fiscally prudent mindset that has won bipartisan plaudits in Hartford, led by Greenwich resident Governor Ned Lamont.

Democratic state senate candidate Nick Simmons, who served as Lamont’s deputy chief of staff, supported those strategic tax cuts. You can too. 

Vote for Khanna, Arzeno or Meskers as your state representative (depending on where in Greenwich you live), and select Nick to be our state senator.

“I am proud to be voting for our Greenwich Democratic state representatives to maintain and grow Connecticut’s strong economic performance, and ensure continuing support for local programs.”

—Diane Kretschmann, Greenwich


Sign up to volunteer with the Greenwich Democrats this election season.

Nick Simmons virtual phone bank. Friday, August 23: 5:30pm-7:30pm, Join ZOOM here.

Join the Nick Simmons campaign canvass this Friday, Saturday or Sunday. RSVP here for details.  

Join the Rachel Khanna campaign canvass this Friday, Saturday or Sunday at 1:00 p.m. RSVP here for details.  

Rachel Khanna virtual phone banks, 4:00.  Signup here.

It’s time to officially kick off Election 2024! Join us at our annual GDTC Picnic and meet our candidates and elected Democratic officials at the Greenwich Point Park Clambake Area. Be sure to bring your Beach Card. This election couldn’t be more critical, so please donate as generously as you can. We look forward to seeing you September 8! Click here to Register

Volume 3, Number 12 • August 22, 2024
Paid for by the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee.
Greenwich Democratic Town Committee P.O. Box 126 Greenwich, CT 06836