Submitted by John Cooper
This evening’s BET debate evidenced a few important truths about the candidate groups.
The Democrats are head and shoulders more experienced and knowledgeable about finance from start to finish.
The Republicans featured speakers who read their answers to the questions asked of them. This would indicate they prepared statements to get across a POV versus answering the questions.
In the Selectman’s debate last week, Fred Camillo once again trotted out the “Holy Grail” of Greenwich Republican politics, the mill rate. He is so proud that we are second in the entire state, only a few decimals behind Salisbury a town of 3,000 residents in the north-west corner of the state.
A low mill rate is worth trying to maintain if and only if the residents of the town are being well served by it. To ignore the needs of our seniors and lower income residents to maintain a low mill rate is the cart before the horse.